Saturday, December 31, 2016

here's to the friends that were by my side through 2016

Here is to the souls that I surround myself with that just radiate happiness with me.
I couldn’t do it without you!
You have made this year the best yet with your words, your support and your energy. We are all doing this together. Moving past the pain, moving past the struggle and marching forward. We all encourage each other to be our very best. 

Finding friends like this is difficult to come by. But I have found my tribe and without them 2016 would have ended a lot differently. 

So here is to 2017 where we will celebrate life & continue progressing forward together.

Here’s to the nights that we gaze at the moon and create affirmations we say aloud and viewing all the stars in their glory.

Here’s to adventures involving sunshine, nature and movement.
Here’s to nights filled with live music and allowing the songs to be felt to our core. 

Here’s to all the cuddle puddles.
Here’s to the deep conversations with loved ones about something so much bigger than us.

Here’s to the contagious laughs and giggles that make you fall over and barely breath from being consumed by happiness.
Here’s to all the aspirations and dreams coming true within the next year

Continue to dream
Continue to dance under the moonlight
& continue to be happy

2017 we are ready for you! We welcome you with open arms and high hopes.
